Telegraph: Anglican crisis talks 'to last into the night'
Kendall just posted this at Stand Firm:
Telegraph: Anglican crisis talks 'to last into the night'
Telegraph: Anglican crisis talks 'to last into the night'
The worldwide Anglican Church was struggling to reach a consensus tonight about how to resolve its bitter dispute over homosexuality.
The Church's primates , who are meeting in Tanzania, were deadlocked over key areas of their final communiqué, which is supposed to reflect the views of the whole gathering.
Embarrassed officials had to postpone a press conference at which they had intended to unveil the communiqué, explaining that talks were expected to go on into the night.
One said that if the primates failed to resolve their differences tonight, they may not release a communiqué at all, a development that would be regarded as signalling a profound split.
They were deeply unhappy with early drafts of the communiqué because it fails to rebuke the liberal American Episcopal Church for bringing Anglicanism to the brink of schism by consecrating its first openly gay bishop in 2003.
They are also concerned that it does not provide sufficient protection for American conservatives who have rejected the leadership of their liberal Presiding Bishop, Katharine Jefferts Schori.
Full article is here.
Perhaps by now, it is + Schori who is unwilling to sign on. Just a wild thought.
there is obviously no clear majority
not sign on, sign *off*.
the realignment begins now.
I think you may well be right, anon; what I hear supports the inference that Schori may object strongly.
We Must Keep Praying.
what happens if they do not issue a statement? Everyone issues their own?
it is statement or the end of the anglican communion. Rome?
The communique is already out; it looks like a mess. Very little was resolved.
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