Friday, July 17, 2009

ENS--Presiding officers' letter to Canterbury presents context for convention actions

Resolution D025 was passed on July 14 by the 76th General Convention meeting in Anaheim, California. In addition to underscoring the Episcopal Church's support of and participation in the Anglican Communion, the resolution affirms "that God has called and may call" gay and lesbian people "to any ordained ministry in the Episcopal Church."

The presiding officers emphasized that D025 has "not repealed" Resolution B033 that was passed by the 75th General Convention in 2006. B033 urged restraint in consenting to the consecration of bishops whose "manner of life" might present challenges for the rest of the Anglican Communion. That challenge was widely understood to refer to gay bishops in partnered unions. The full text of the letter to Williams is available here.

In a separate letter, Jefferts Schori wrote to the primates of the Anglican Communion -- including a copy of the letter to Williams -- acknowledging that "with so much misinformation circulating through the press and other sources, it is crucial to me that I provide the Archbishop and all of you with accurate information." Thirteen primates were present in Anaheim, the largest number ever to attend a General Convention.

Read it all.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"We understand Resolution D025 to be more descriptive than prescriptive in natureā€”a statement that reaffirms commitments already made by The Episcopal Church and that acknowledges certain realities of our common life. Nothing in the Resolution goes beyond what has already been provided under our Constitution and Canons for many years." How they reconcile this with Integrity's and SR's triumphant trumpeting to the press that their goals to move beyond B033 have been achieved, I can't quite grasp - 'moving beyond' something is wholly different from describing where a body is at a given moment. If logic doesn't show them this maybe they should review the basic laws of physics....
They appear also to suppose that no one in the UK reads the paper or is otherwise aware of the obviously different spin from theirs that is being put on the GC's actions.

8:12 PM  

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