Friday, September 22, 2006

Latest posts -- Friday Afternoon Sept 22

An ACN Release on the Kigali Global South Primates Communique

September 22nd, 2006 posted by kendall at 5:21 pm

From here:

The Anglican Communion Network welcomed a statement by the leaders of more than 70 percent of the Anglican Communion that confirmed their support for orthodox Anglicans in North America.

In the statement, the leaders of 20 Anglican provinces propose that orthodox Anglicans in the United States be represented by a bishop of their own choosing at the February 2007 primates meeting, commit to develop a proposal for granting Alternative Primatial Oversight to those American dioceses that have requested it, and call for the communion to take “initial steps” toward the formation of a distinct orthodox Anglican body in the U.S.

Their communiqué also states that the Global South remains “greatly encouraged by the continued faithfulness of the Network Dioceses and all of the other congregations and communities of faithful Anglicans in North America.”

“We are deeply humbled by the care shown for us by our Fathers in God in the Global South,” said Bishop Robert Duncan, moderator of the Anglican Communion Network. “In many places they and the Anglicans they pastor face poverty, disease and persecution for their faith on a scale that goes far beyond anything that threatens us. In fact, just this week, Anglicans in Nigeria saw their cathedral in Dutse burned to the ground by rioting Muslims. Yet, in the midst of dealing with these massive issues, they continue to offer us their support and guidance. We can only be profoundly grateful,” he added.

Forgiveness at core of Rosh Hashana

September 22nd, 2006 posted by kendall at 5:18 pm

Prior to the beginning of the Jewish new year of Rosh Hashana at sundown tonight, Jews throughout the world will have sought forgiveness from people they may have wronged during the past year.

Known as “the day of judgment,” it is, according to Jewish tradition, the time when the “Book of Life” containing everyone’s name is open and all are judged. Divine judgment for the coming year — for success and failure, for life and death — will be sealed in 10 days at Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement.

Jewish law holds that people who have not repaired their relationships with others cannot attain forgiveness in a personal relationship with God. Someone who repents, known in Hebrew as tshuvah, or literally “returning” to God, stands in a higher place than even the most righteous people.

“That doesn’t mean that [forgiveness is] not a lesson for every day,” said Rabbi Joseph Weiss, head of B’nai Emunoh Congregation in Greenfield and a psychologist. “That’s a prerequisite all year long.”

Forgiveness is a component of all major religious faiths. According to the International Forgiveness Institute, a 12-year-old nonprofit organization in Wisconsin, forgiveness is not only a moral response to another’s injustice but also a goodwill gesture. It does not mean forgetting or condoning what happened. Neither is it reconciliation, the coming together of two parties in mutual respect.

It has become a staple of researchers trying to quantify whether it decreases anger, depression, anxiety and stress, and enhances well-being.

For example, a Stanford University research project showed forgiveness helped angry people with mild hypertension reduce their blood pressure. A Hope College study indicated the positive effect of forgiveness in reducing negative emotions’ strains on the body. Another study showed that forgiveness can lower blood pressure in people who think first about revenge and then initiate forgiveness.

Read it all.

Partnered Gay Priest among candidates for Newark Episcopal bishop

September 22nd, 2006 posted by admin at 5:09 pm

NEWARK, N.J. _ An openly gay priest is among six candidates for bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Newark at a time when divisions over the Bible and sexuality are threatening the denomination and the worldwide Anglican family.

The election Saturday in the historically liberal diocese would normally be a mostly local event.

But a win by Canon Michael Barlowe, 51, would put the diocese at the center of a crisis over whether Anglicans who disagree about ordaining gays can stay in the same fellowship.

Episcopalians and Anglicans on all sides of the issue will be watching, said the Rev. J. Robert Wright, professor of church history at General Theological Seminary in New York. The Episcopal Church is the U.S. representative of the global Anglican Communion.

“For some people, this election would be courting danger,” Wright said. “For other people, his election would be an eloquent testimony to the ideals held by the gay and lesbian movement within the church.”

Read it all.

Anglican Network in Canada responds to Kigali Communique

September 22nd, 2006 posted by admin at 5:03 pm

Anglican Network in Canada NEWS RELEASE

Global Anglican Leaders Issue Grave Warning to Canadian Church

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 22 September 2006

VANCOUVER – Global South Anglican archbishops and leaders, representing over 70 per cent of active Anglicans worldwide, concluded their meetings in Rwanda today with a statement demonstrating the consequences for churches that stray from authentic, biblically-faithful Anglican teaching.

These leaders, known as Primates, responded to the U.S. church’s attempt to remain part of the global Anglican Church while at the same time refusing to uphold traditional and mainstream Anglican doctrine and practice. They have called for the formation of a “separate ecclesiastical structure of the Anglican Communion in the USA” and for another bishop to represent “those dioceses and congregations who are abiding by the teaching of the Communion”. They pointed out that as a result of her theological views “in direct contradiction to Lambeth 1.10 and the historic teaching of the Church”, many of them could not recognize the newly-elected leader of the US Episcopal Church, Katharine Jefferts-Schori, as an Anglican Primate, while others consider themselves in “impaired communion” with her – and with the Church she represents.

While the statement deals specifically with the Church in the US, Canada is mentioned as well. Global South Church leaders said they were “greatly encouraged by Network Dioceses and all of the other congregations and communities of faithful Anglicans in North America. In addition, we commend the members of the Anglican Network in Canada for their commitment to historic, biblical faith and practice. We value their courage and consistent witness.”

Archbishop Greg Venables, Primate of the Anglican Province of the Southern Cone (in South America) was present at the Rwanda summit and reported that “the spirit of unity at this Primates meeting has been remarkable.” However, he said, “It has become tragically obvious to us that the Episcopal Church in the US has departed from Christian teaching and practice. Sadly, the institutional structures of the Communion must catch up with that reality. It is our prayer that the Anglican Church of Canada will bear this in mind in the upcoming General Synod and turn back from any unbiblical course.”

“This comes as a dire warning for the Anglican Church of Canada,” says Anglican Network in Canada Executive Director, Cheryl Chang, “Global South leaders will be clearly defining for all what it means to be truly Anglican, and that requires a commitment to historic authentic Anglican teaching. If the Anglican Church of Canada chooses to follow the path of the U.S. Episcopal Church, they too will be deemed to be “walking apart” from the global Church and a new ecclesiastical structure will be required for Canada as well.”

The full text of the Global South Anglican Primates’ statement can be found at

The Anglican Network in Canada actively represents and supports all Canadian Anglicans and parishes whose biblically-faithful views put them at odds with their Canadian church authorities. The Network is also committed to ensuring that these Canadian Anglicans will be able to officially remain in communion with their spiritual brothers and sisters around the world – even if the Anglican Church of Canada permanently “walks apart”.

Source: AnglicanNetwork.Ca


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