Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Holocaust Survivors gather to condemn Iran meeting

December 13th, 2006 posted by kendall at 9:02 am

Vernon Rusheen saw fellow Jews marched into the Auschwitz gas chambers. He watched the crematorium flames climb high into the night sky. And he lost 120 family members in a nightmare he knows was all too real.

“Those who deny the Holocaust, I ask them: Find me those who vanished,” No. 104502, now 82 and living in Woodland Hills, demanded during a survivors’ conference Monday.

The event at the Simon Wiesenthal Center in West L.A. was called to denounce a gathering in Iran, where 70 Holocaust deniers from 30 countries began a two-day conference to discuss theories to disprove six million Jews were systematically killed during World War II.

That conference is sponsored by the Iranian government, whose president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, has called the Holocaust as a myth and has said peace in the Middle East begins with the obliteration of Israel.

“He is not any better than Hitler,” Rusheen said, echoing a statement made by Israeli Likud Party leader Benjamin Netanyahu in Los Angeles last month.

Read it all.


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