Thursday, September 14, 2006

A letter to the Diocese of Virginia from Bishop Lee

A letter to the Diocese of Virginia from the Rt. Rev. Peter James Lee, Bishop

September 13, 2006

Dear Friends:

As you know I have just completed a three-day meeting which I co-convened with Bishop John Lipscomb of the Diocese of Southwestern Florida at the request of the Archbishop of Canterbury. The purpose of our meeting was to address the many complex issues that face our church as one of the 38 autonomous provinces of the Anglican Communion and of the Communion itself.

You no doubt will have read the statement we adopted this morning which says, in effect, we have not reached a conclusion. I feel as though I am writing you with that sentiment an awful lot these days. While each of us in that meeting and many church observers are finding this process frustrating, especially as we operate in a culture which desires quick, decisive action, I am reminded of the lesson from the Epistle of James this past Sunday and the call to us to be quick to listen and slow to action.

In that spirit, I want to share with you my sense of hope coming out of this meeting. While it is true we did not reach a conclusion, the level of candor and charity shared in our meeting was remarkable. I am hopeful that as we continue to meet, the Church will reclaim its historic generous orthodoxy and its respect for diversity and offer the Anglican Communion an example of faithfulness in unity and mission.

I am grateful to the Archbishop of Canterbury for his care for our Church at this time and the sensitivity with which he has asked leaders of our province to assemble to address the complex issues within our Church. I look forward to our next meeting.


Peter James Lee
Bishop of Virginia

Source: AAC Weblog


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't decide whether the proper interpertation of +Lee's take on the NYC meeting is best reflected in Bobby Ferrin's song 'Don't Worry, Be Happy' or in the exposition of the character Kevin Bacon played in his very first film role in the movie 'Animal House' where as a ROTC cadet Bacon tried in a most unconvincing way to bring calm amid the riot at the end of the film. Tough call.

3:27 PM  

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